Penny Stocks For Dummies 729

Penny Stocks For Dummies

The well trusted source of tips and tricks in all areas of human life, the Dummies, books, has now finally came out with a website, and to out delight and surprise, one of the largest bits of advice on the website is the financial section. Before going further with penny stocks for dummies, let's starts from the beginning and assess the most important thing in investing, your temperament. 

What kind of investor are you? Can you handle the risk and pressure of penny stocks or do you need more security instead? 

Penny Stocks For Dummies Quiz:

1. When you go to a restaurant do you order:
a, what i usually order, it's good and works for me
b, whatever is on the special and is cheap.
c, something that sounds interesting. I love trying new things

2. When on a vacation you can be spotted:
a, laying on the beach with a book or drinking at the hotel bar
b, hanging out, taking some tours, something like that
c,  paragliding, skiing, swimming, you name it!

3. In your investments you are looking for
a, steady performance, big returns are not as important
b,mostly steady performance and some goo returns
c, some great potential and some big gains

4. What is your take on this economic crisis
a, its crazy, im so worried about my retirement 
b, its pretty bad, Im looking forward to fast recovery
c, it's bad, but i make it work. There are some really great  stock opportunities out there. 

If you answered two or more As or Bs, Penny Stocks for Dummies may not be the right thing for you during these economic times.  If you answered C on two or more questions, read out next weeks post about penny stock investing during economic turmoil!